For our Final we were to take our earlier ideas for the PSA video, form a group and combine our ideas to create an advertisement for FastJobs.

So from the original idea we had developed it into a father son story about the hardships of surviving life when you're left with nothing and in the end gaining hope from one another to keep going.

Some slides to present to the client. This was around the earlier ideation of the storyline where everything wasn't fully clear yet.

Then after some discussions in our team mates we made out first shotlist with the idea almost being complete but some details being left out which would've caused the story to have some plot holes.

first shotlist (non-finalised)

second shotlist (finalised)

Moodboards for this assignment to get a better feeling for the colours that are going to be used in this story.

The experience was quite stressful at the beginning not having much of an idea about where to go with the story idea but with my group mates we were able to combine our ideas and steer this project to something better. Then came to presentation to the clients and it was an interesting experience to talk to clients about a project which gave us more ideas on continuing the storyline after getting some feedback from them. Then came filming which was very tiring but rewarding as we got to see how all our pre-production planning is coming to use while filming. 

Being the director of this project, I've noticed that getting everything right for filming would have to take a lot of takes. Colour can affect the lighting for a scene which can't be detected until after shooting while editing. Sometimes last minute shot additions can be quite helpful in the editing stage as it adds more interesting camera movements to a video.

To make a professional production alone is completely impossible. It requires a lot of people to develop the story, create shot lists/storyboards, make mood boards, film and edit the work. It would've been better to have a bigger group of people to work on this project since the work has to be professional and it was being developed for clients. I now have high respect for people who work in the filming industry because they would require to do so much work from pre to post production to release their work on time.


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