7/1/2019 - 22/2/2019 (Week 1 - Week 7)
Ng Shu Zhi 0327158
Intercultural Design



When we were first introduced to this project and the location for our data collection, we chose to do some research about the places we were going to go to to get an idea of what we could focus on while we were in Korea and where we may find some of the items.

Then we researched on some things in Korea which we could focus on while we were at Korea.

Then after some consultation we realised that collecting data isn't just collecting physical data like objects in Korea so we changed our idea and thought about focusing on environmental data based on the hypothesis we had made.
Here is our proposal slides.

Doing the proposal about a place which I'm not familiar with is quite difficult. I'm not very familiar with the culture like their mannerism but I was familiar with their modern culture as I liked watching Korean vlogs. It was confusing and I didn't know if the information I had gathered was going to be of use because I didn't know if my direction was right since I didn't know the area very well and the other locations we were going to go to.



For our data collection, we chose to split up as a group as we wanted to collect the environmental data of each location we went to. We did this through journaling our experiences and through that we made our final project based on our take on Korean environments, their modern and traditional culture and we chose to compare them to each other.

Here is the data we had collected while in Korea and through that data we chose to make colour palettes based on our recordings and feelings in Korea. Then through that we made our final sculptures.

Going to Korea and doing the research and 2 completely different things and out hypothesis of traditional culture fading away had been proven wrong. What we had learned while in Korea was that the Korean people were still very in touch with their roots. 



For our final project we chose to make 2 sculptures based off a traditional location, Insadong and a modern location, Myeong Dong because they both represented the Korean culture with the human activity as well, instead of using monuments or museums where the human nature would be polite and quiet as they were in restricted areas.

We first made some sketches for Myeong Dong and Insadong.
2D sketches of Insadong

2D sketches of Myeong Dong

3D sketch of Insadong

3D sketch of Myeong Dong

Sculpture for Myeong Dong

Video of Myeong Dong

Myeong Dong
Myeong Dong we depicted it as a fast paced, shallow community where the human behaviour was very transparent and quick. The middle point heading upwards was to show the middle was the peak of human activity in Myeong Dong. The sides with the plastic wrappings are a faded out part of Myeong Dong where it isn't as quick as the city centre.

Video of Insadong Sculpture

Insadong to us was a complete opposite of Myeong Dong where it was much more slow paced and comfortable. The human activity was very fluid and slow, the items we saw at Insadong were traditional items which were evolved to fit into modern society which showed that Insadong instead of getting lost in it's own tradition chose to embrace the modern culture but still keep in touch with their roots through adapting their items.

Through this final project I had gotten closer to my groupmates even more since we worked on the sculptures for 4 days straight. In this final project and making the sketches, it made me understand our locations even more to be able to translate whatever data we collected into physical pieces of art.


Here is the final compilation slides of everything throughout this project.


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